Breast Cancer Symptoms and Signs
The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or mass in the breast. In addition, the following are possible signs of breast cancer:
- Nipple discharge or redness
- Breast or nipple pain
- Swelling of part of the breast or dimpling
The Different Types of Breast Cancer
What is Breast Cancer?
More women are now being diagnosed by means of a routine mammogram. Any lump in the breast and any mammogram abnormality must be studied very carefully. Other signs might include:
- Changes in breast size or shape
- Crusting or scaling on the nipple
- Dimpling or puckering of the skin-thickening and dimpling skin is sometimes called orange peel
- Inverted nipple
- Lump or swelling in the armpit
- Peeling, scaling or flaking of the nipple or breast skin
- Redness, swelling and increased warmth in the affected breast
When to see a doctor
Early diagnosis is especially important for breast cancer because the disease responds best to treatment before it has spread. The earlier breast cancer is found and treated, the better a woman's chance for complete recovery.
Although the majority of breast changes don't turn out to be cancer, make an appointment to see your doctor if you find a lump or other change in your breast. Even if you've just had a mammogram with normal results, it's still important to have your doctor evaluate any changes.